Minassian’s father to continue testimony at Toronto van attack trial

The father of the man who killed 10 people in Toronto’s van attack will continue his testimony on Tuesday.


Warning: Details of the trial are graphic in nature, discretion is advised

The father of the man who killed 10 people in Toronto’s van attack will continue his testimony on Tuesday.

Alek Minassian has pleaded not guilty to 10 counts of first-degree murder and 16 counts of attempted murder.

The defence says he should be found not criminally responsible for his actions that day due to autism.

Vahe Minassian told the court on Monday his son has not shown remorse or apologized for his actions.

He says his son told him he hasn’t done anything wrong.

Alek Minassian’s state of mind at the time of the attack is the only issue at play in trial after he admitted to planning and carrying out the attack.

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